Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bet A Day UPDATE First red

 3 Month update.

Started my Bet A day on 15th November 2021. Today's date 24th February 2022.

Bet A Day is just the name I called it on my Copy Tip account. The idea was to to just one bet a day but some days I do more and some days I don't do any.

Image after 84 bets showing in profit with zero copiers.

I use stakes from £5 to £20 staking how much I see value in the bet. I also calculate my stakes carefully to prevent Hugh loses. 

All was going good. My profit was increasing

. Copiers started to follow and everything was still all good.


My Copiers. I had 5 copiers at one point now it has dropped to 2. 

SO what happened.

Well Nothing happened. I still am making good bets. You win some you lose some and in the long term your in profit.

The problem is the copiers. Yeah you guys. 

It's great to have you guys here and that's what I want, more copiers to copy me. 10, 100, 1000, 10000. I want copiers to follow me and I completely get it! You copy me and set your budget to a flat stake of £10. 

When you set your stake to a flat rate it means no matter how much I put on, you only put on your flat rate, £10.00 . Like I said my bets and stakes are all calculated to keep in profit as much as possible. I'm in it in the long term. IF you keep to a flat rate then our profit margin won't match and could be far less for you then the profit you would have if you just let me choose the stake rate.

But I see it advises you all over the internet to use flat rates. That's fine for gamblers but not for here.

Also the image above is my copiers in the red. Below is the real results of my copiers and myself.

My copiers are the yellow line, the big drop is 5 copiers total loses. The blue line is myself with a sharp drop but will recover. My total profit since I started is £46 but my copiers profit is in total of -£70.

It looks far worst then it is. I had 5 copiers all lose and now have just 2 copiers to make up the copiers profit as it is all totalled together. 

It's the name of the game. You can't win them all and my rush of copiers came in at the wrong time. You have to stay and stick to it. Set your max budget to £100 and let me pick the bets and stakes size.

Thank you.

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