How to follow a tipster

Follow a Sports Tipster.

Follow me SPS on Football tips to start seeing profits from your betting.

Since 15 November 2021 I started sharing football bets. I shared them on Facebook, twitter and copy tip.

Why you should follow my tips.

I originally don't gamble. I'm a trader but also can find value in sports bets.

I pick my teams using data on teams strengths and weakness and compare that to the opponent and then analyse all the data and make my prediction. 

I predict who will win and place my own bet on this.

I then share this bet on Copy Tip which is where my followers accounts automatically follow my bets. 

To see my updated results check the Copy Tip page for my live account which shows all the details from day one.

How do you get started.

Open a account with Copy Tip and copy my bets.


Follow my Facebook page as I sometimes give out free tips. I may setup a text/email tip to send out if more interests is around.

That's it . Great. But Wait.

I Below I have added a staking plan for you.

You need a staking plan to succeed in this world. I will write it based on a budget of £100. You can then adjust it as needed.

Starting with £100 Bank flow. in 12 weeks you could have a bank of £400. Then every 4 weeks you could see a profit of £600.

Bank = £100

Bet = /4 of bank = £25.00

Stick with £25 till bank is at £200. Doubled your bank.

with bank at £200. Bet £50.

Stick with £50 till doubled again. £400.

Bank £400 Bet  £100.

Stay here.

You can up the bets to £1600 but may not get fully matched.

New Setup - BETaDAY

 It's almost a year I been sharing my bets and trading. I have been sharing my sports betting tips and trading for almost a year. I am s...